Eat My Catfish

Eat My Catfish

In 2008, I was 24 years old, returning home (to chase my future wife) from a short career in finance in the big city of Dallas. Friends and family would ask, “What do you plan to do now?” They would always raise an eyebrow when I replied: “I’m gonna sell catfish on the side of the road.”

With no money in-hand, I took my plans for a side-of-the-road catfish business and asked a good friend, at a local bank, for $30,000 to purchase a used food trailer. Looking back, I always think, “I probably wouldn’t have given me the money!”

I took that loan and bought my little food trailer, with no truck to pull it, and no AC, in the middle of a hot Arkansas summer. I set up shop on Military road and my first day I sold out of catfish in under an hour! (What no one knew at the time was I’d never cooked catfish before in my life!)

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